Moist heat Method of cooking food ' भोजन पकाने की विधि '

"Cooking method are transferring of heat to food during cooking by using conduction, convection and radiation heat. 

Topically there are 2 type of cooking methods  which we know dry heat and moist heat but now days using many methods also. "

1 Moist heat 'Involves water and steam '

2 Dry heat 'Involves air or fat '

3 Combination' of both moist heat and dry heat methods.

4 Other method. 

Why we need to cook food

Food is cooked for softening, enhancing the flavour taste and texture but main reason is that to kill microorganisms and easy to consume. For cooking skill and knowledge of ingredients, texture, taste, cooking methods are required. That we learn in food service management and some important points here you will know. 

Purpose of cooking 

• Aids digestion

• Sterilizes food

• Helps to keep food longer

• Softens the food

• Introduces variety and

• Improves palatability and quality of food

• Increases the availability of nutrients.

Why food very region or country

Cooking techniques and ingredients is very to across the world and taste also  very because of different environmental aspects economy, cultural and traditional trands. 

So here will know about moist heat method of cooking

Moist Heat Methods

Boiling method

When water at 100°C and  maintaining the water at that temperature till the food becomes tender. Eg: Rice, egg,  dhal, meat, soups, roots and tubers can be cooked  by boiling.


Food is cooked in liquid at a temperature just below the boiling point. 

Pressure cooking 

When steam under pressure is used, the method is known  as pressure cooking and the equipment  used is pressure cooker. In this method the temperature of boiling water can be raised above 100°C. Eg: Rice, dhal, potatoes etc. 

Steaming method

It is a method of cooking food in steam, generated from vigorously boiling water in a pan. Eg: Idli, Idiappam (string hopper)  and vegetable.


 Blanching method

Main purpose of this method enactive the microbes .In this method food is immersed in boiling water for five seconds to two minutes depending on the texture of the food and put it in cold water. This  helps to remove the skin or peel without softening the food.   Example Tomatoes can be blanched spinach. 

Poaching method 

This involves cooking in minimum amount of liquid at temperatures of 80°C–85°C that is below the  boiling point. Eg: Egg and fish can be poached. 

These are moist cooking methods of cooking in which use water and heat for cooking in next blog you will get dry heat method of cooking . 

After using these method nutritional value of food

Steaming- steaming is best method secure all nutrition in food .By this method food become healthy and yummy in taste. 

Boiling - in boiling method vitamin c loss because it is water soluble vitamin and it is very sensitive to heat. 

Simmering - Thiamine, niacin and other B vitamins may be lost when meat is simmered and its juices run off.

Poaching -poaching allows the proteins in food to denature slowly, without squeezing out moisture.

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In next  one will know more about dry heat cooking methods and combination heat cooking methods. For notifications follow me on telegram. 


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